Re: Client font licensing question
I'm almost certain the same person emailed me a few months ago with a similar request. On second thought, don't even take the time to reply, "No." and just trash the email.1 -
Re: Google Fonts: Your Questions, Answered
Real names, vadams. http://typedrawers.com/discussion/264/typedrawers-is-a-real-names-only-forum1 -
Re: Google Fonts: Your Questions, Answered
Oh cool, another marketing opportunity disguised as open conversation from the font liberation zealots.4 -
Re: Font Aid VII: The Philippines
I'm also curious if the distributors (myfonts, fontshop, etc?) are forgoing their commission so SOTA can donate 100% of the sales.2 -
Re: The National Typesetting Tournament Championship [1886]
These events were very popular in the late 1880s as typesetters' boasting was turned into a P. T. Barnum -like spectacle in dime museums. I believe there is a keepsake book from that specific event, …2